Teaching English in Korea at Lotte

Lotte Begins to Muscle its Way into Teaching English in Korea

English teachers in Korea know the Lotte brand fairly well, due to the conglomerate’s reach into burgers and amusement parks. Now, one particular Lotte Department Store has added a ‘specialized academy’ facility to the shopping environment and has become active in attracting parents with young children. Starting this month, Lotte has opened up an English kindergarten in a department store for the first time in the domestic distribution industry. Lotte Department Store opened its first branch of ‘Creverse Kids’, an English kindergarten brand operated by ‘Cheongdahm Learning’, an English education company, on the 4th floor of Lotte Mall World.

In the past, there have been many kids cafe-type stores in department stores, but it is unusual to see such a specialized educational facility where native English teachers partake in classes. In this space, English, math, and coding education are being conducted with classes being launched from March 12th, introducing a whole new dimension to teaching English in Korea.

Students who want to take classes can attend for 2-3 hours after making a reservation by phone.

The ‘Junior Golf Academy’, which opened in the Jamsil branch of Lotte Department Store, is also gaining popularity. In September of last year, the Jamsil location set up a one-stop golf hall where you can shop for golf-related products and receive golf lessons.

Teaching Golf to Kids in Korea

Junior golf classes at Lotte

This is a space where children aged 7 to 13 can learn golf, and golf lessons are held twice a week according to a total of 8 themes, including putting, swinging, and torso rotation. There is also an adult golf lesson course in this space, however, many young students are getting involved where more than 30% of the total students are those under the age of 10.

As for costs, the tuition fee for Creverse Kids varies from class to class. ESL, an English class, is 50,000 won for 2-3 hours for 5-7 years old, math class is 40,000 won for 2-3 hours for 1st and 2nd graders of elementary school, and 2-3 hours of coding class for 6-7-year-olds is 40,000 won. All costs include material costs.

In addition, the Junior Golf Academy offers classes for 1 hour twice a week for 8 lessons a month at 450,000 won. There is also a separate registration fee of 10,000 won. Classes consist of a 30-minute golf class and a 30-minute fitness class.

Meanwhile, Lotte Department Store’s specialized academy space for children is expected to expand further. Department stores are now becoming places where children can learn while mothers shop, in order to maximize the competitiveness of offline spaces that are distinct from online shopping.

Also, in the first half of this year, Lotte Department Store plans to open ‘Promom Kinder’, a membership-based English kids club, at Lotte Department Store’s Pohang and Ilsan branches.

Yoon Jeong-hye, head of Lotte Department Store’s ‘Infant&TOY’, stated, “Academy-type stores in department stores are evolving into places that can provide more specialized education to children beyond the existing children’s content focused on play. We will do our best to help parents and children receive a variety of specialized education from now on.”

A Retreat that comes to YOU! 8 Reasons why you should sign up!

This is an invitation for you to experience an online retreat that comes to you right where you are. Over 1,500 women will be retreating in 110 countries across the world, and you can be one of them.

What exactly is an online retreat? Get an inside peak in the video at the end of this post.  But first, how do you know if this is for you?

This retreat is for you if….

1. You’ve been going and going, and you’re tired.

You’re an adventurous person. Resting and self-care are not your strengths. You know you need to make time for that stuff. You feel like there’s just not time.

2. Netflix isn’t cutting it.

Resting for you often looks like a marathon Netflix binge. But you want something that actually leaves you feeling rested and renewed. 

3. You’ve got some deep emotions going on under the busyness of your life.

You don’t have the space in your life to process those emotions. Even if you did make space for that, you’re not sure what you would do to process those emotions. You need a guide.

4. You’re a spiritual person.

You long for the time and space to connect to the practices of prayer, meditation, and Scripture. You want a guide to help you go deeper.

5. You want renewal for your soul and body.

You want something that engages your whole self, the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical.

6. You want to find renewal in a foreign place.

You’ve moved overseas, and all your go-to’s for refreshment are not what they were in your home country. Your relationships, comforts and routines are so different now. You don’t know how to find new means for renewal where you are.

7. You need inspiring stories and connections with people living abroad.

You’re either considering or currently living life aboard, and you want to see the real, authentic lives of other people living this kind of life.

8. You want something that fits your schedule and your budget.

It’s got to involve little to no prep work, be easily accessible, and it can’t be expensive. But you do want it to be beautiful and high quality.


If any of these are true for you, then this retreat is for you. Join women across the world as we retreat in hotel rooms, Air Bnb’s, tree houses, haciendas, high rises, and our own bedrooms.


What are women saying about the Velvet Ashes Online Retreat?

  • “I consider this an essential part of my refueling each year.”
  • “I didn’t even know an (online) retreat was what I needed. But it was. You know that feeling when your lips are dry & cracked and you finally put some lip balm on them? Aaahhhhh…. It was like that but for body, heart, and soul.”

Get a sneak peak of the retreat:



The retreat opens SOON. So check out all the details and grab your spot today.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much it costs.


Find out all the details and register here.

5 Types of people who move abroad

5 Types of people who move abroad

Over the years, we’ve seen a lot of expats moving to South Korea and China, and by working with them, amongst others teachers, co-workers, acquaintances and friends, we’ve boiled it down to 5 types of people who generally move abroad.


The Wannabe

The Wannabe

1.The Culture Freak / The Wanna-bee

Kpop, hangul, Korean movies and slang… He’ll be able to tell you about it all. He’s the one who started studying Korean, before he even knew whether he would ever set foot on the Korea Peninsula , and he has seen every YouTube video about it.

Why teach abroad:

If you have a passion for the country, its cultures and traditions, why would you not go? You’ve seen it all already on the web, so you know all the reasons why you need to go. What are you waiting for?



The Traveler

2. The Traveler

The guy with the list – Not your average To-Do list: This list includes everything that haven’t been mentioned by Trip Advisor and more. This is the guy who would love to see the world and is able to live out of a suitcase. It’s the person who has friends all over the world and enjoy making new connections and trying new things. It is possible that he already knows people in Korea, or that he is interested in traveling to South East Asia.

Why teach abroad

With Japan, Thailand, and China so close, who wouldn’t want to go? This is the ultimate place to teach at, and still be able to visit South East Asia on a budget. You can live the adventure you’ve always dreamed about, you’ll see a different part of the world and you’ll be able to expand your horizons, and fill that passport of yours.



The University Student

The University Student

3. The University student

This is the person who just finished college. Excess money is a foreign concept, and the amount of debt is too much to even mention. He does not have  work experience in “The Real world”

Why teach abroad

Gaining international teaching experience will be an asset in your future career. This is a great way to set your foot in the door, and still get paid a pretty decent income. Korea is one of the higher paying Asian countries, and the cost of living is quite low. You’ll be able to save anything from $1 – $1000, depending on your spending habits. It is possible to save a lot, without living the lifestyle of a hermit.



The Opportunist

The Opportunist

4. The Opportunist

Gaining international experience – That’s the dream.  He is interested in building an international community of contacts and to enhance his resume with skills and abilities.

Why teach abroad

To work for multinational companies, will create a good career prospective. You’ll be able to expand your skill set and the ability to adapt to different workplaces. Korea will ensure that you are exposed to being flexible, developing communication skills on a different level and being adaptable to circumstances. The world will become your Teacher.




The Runaway

The Runaway

5. The Runaway

He is the one who is unhappy with his life at home. He feels stagnant and might be in a dead-end job. There’s a lack of opportunities at home; It’s a location burnout.

Why teach abroad

By teaching abroad, you’ll be able to create a life for yourself in another country. You don’t need to carry your past with you; you can recreate yourself. Be whoever you’ve always wanted to be… That doesn’t mean that you’re allowed to change your name on your passport though…

You might find better career opportunities, than back home, but  ultimately, going abroad makes you more open minded and this might change your perspective of home in a year of two.