Entries by Ali Porter

Maple Bear opens up Canadian public kindergartens in Korea

Teaching English in Korea is being innovated through the introduction of Canadian public education concepts. Maple Bear, an English education institution for preschool and elementary school students, has attained a certain amount of fame for learning English as naturally as their mother tongue without stress. The curriculum, designed based on Canadian public education, was developed […]

What people from Busan think of Seoul

This is bound to get interesting. Whenever you compare to cities, you run the risk of stereotyping and oversimplification.  It’s complicated, we know. We asked a bunch of people living in Busan to give us their opinion of Seoul. Some people might have gone a little overboard, but you’ll get the idea… 1. I. CAN’T. BREATHE. Seoul is […]

8 Places to teach abroad

You are ready to leave your home country for a while, and your mind is starting to dream. The job market for Teaching abroad has exploded, and you need to decide about your next destination. This is how you can travel the world, save money and emerge in a different culture. Find below * places […]

5 Types of people who move abroad

5 Types of people who move abroad Over the years, we’ve seen a lot of expats moving to South Korea and China, and by working with them, amongst others teachers, co-workers, acquaintances and friends, we’ve boiled it down to 5 types of people who generally move abroad.   1.The Culture Freak / The Wanna-bee Kpop, hangul, Korean movies and slang… He’ll […]

Most Popular posts of 2014

The Most Popular posts of 2014: It’s always hard to predict what the reader wants to know. These posts hit a common nerve and you were interested in reading this. Here are the Top 10 most popular posts of 2014 (so far), and we don’t plan to stop posting more of these any time soon… Did you […]

10 Apps You Don’t Want To Miss in Korea!

When you arrive in Korea, you will quickly realize the value of having a smart phone. It will help you stay in touch with friends and document your daily adventures (selfies heeey!), it will help you navigate your way around the country and look up info about local restaurants. Here are 10 apps you don’t […]

Going Abroad? The Ultimate Checklist

It’s crunch time, and you’re preparing to actually GO ABROAD! It probably feels like everything is happening way too fast… and truth be told, it probably is. With that in mind, here’s the ultimate checklist to help ensure that you have everything covered. Adventure Teaching Presents: The Ultimate Checklist 1. Documents Some important items you […]

Gift-giving in Korea

Gift-giving in Korea is a strong tradition in Korean culture. If you ever invite Korean friends to your home, you’ll notice that they will always bring you some fruit, dessert, a drink, or sometimes all of the above! Of course, gift giving on special days (holidays, birthdays) is a must. But what about giving a […]